Denodo Cloud POC



Executing [Implementation of the project]

85% complete, updated on Fri 2/7/25 2:40 PM by Janine Reneau

Project wrap up meeting scheduled for 2/10/25 with Hyrum Crook.

Will work to complete closing documentation after this discussion.


Mon 5/6/24 - Thu 3/6/25
Solutions Project Management / Statewide Initiative
Green - On track
Thu 5/16/24 9:07 AM
Fri 2/7/25 2:40 PM

Project Request Form

This is an individual that is listed as the person asking for a project evaluation, may not necessarily be the Project Champion.
Tina Skidmore
Project Champion Supervisor
Project Champion's direct Supervisor
George Makiya
Vice Chancellor
Project Champion's Vice Chancellor for the division
Dale Bundy
Do you have an existing solution you are wanting to replace or enhance?
If so, provide some background information on the solution / process you are currently using.
yes, On-Prem Solution
What are your goals and objectives this solution will accomplish for your department?
Please provide your goals and objectives this solution will accomplish for your department.
Increase performance
List your primary requirements for this solution.
Please list your primary requirements for this solution.
Denodo Cloud POC Success Metrics
Connectivity Success
Users can access Denodo
Solution Manager
Design Studio
Data Catalog
VDP Admin tool
Denodo is able to connect to cloud datasources
Denodo is able to connect to on premises datasources
Data Feed to cloud applications is successful
Data Feed to on prem applications is successful
Power BI Connected without Power BI Gateway
User experience is not affected
Data response time is relative to on prem denodo instance
User experience working in the application (Solution Manager, etc) is not laggy/jittery
Load Balancing (If multi-instance is used)
Backup Scheme Tested
Autoscale Restoration (High Availability Architecture)
Active-Passive or Active-Active
Full Configuration Backup
Additional Functionality
Cache DB replication autoscale (High availability)
Do you have funding for this project? If so, please provide the amount.
Please list Budgeted Amount?
Name(s) of the OIT personnel who assisted.
Enter the name of the OIT personnel who assisted?
Craig Franke, Sam Rodgers
Please list any subject matter experts who can assist with this project.
Who has the knowledge in your area or other areas that can assist?
Tina Skidmore, Hyrum Crook


Denodo is currently an On-Prem solution. The Cloud POC is requested by the DnA team to analyze whether the increase in performance will be worth the cost.


Stakeholders (3)

George Makiya
Executive Vice President Data & Analytics
Sr VP, Data & Analytics
Thu 5/16/24 9:43 AM
Hyrum Crook
Business Data Analyst II
Responsible, Accountable
Project Champion
Thu 5/16/24 9:08 AM
Tina Skidmore
Senior Executive Director
Responsible, Accountable
Project Champion Supervisor
Thu 5/16/24 9:08 AM