Currently, management of TSTC assets is a manual and time-consuming process. Central Receiving (CR) staff create receipts for assets utilizing the ERP system, Workday, and a physical tag and GoogleSheet are used to track assets. When Property Management approves the corresponding supplier invoice, Workday assigns an Asset ID, which is a unique number used to identify an asset. The asset is assigned a steward, who is the employee responsible for safeguarding the asset. During the annual inventory process, the steward updates the location, condition, and last inventory date. CR staff ensures the steward has possession of the asset.
If the asset needs to be transferred to another steward, the steward verifies asset location and condition, and then initiates the transfer to another steward. Property transfers route to CR staff in Workday, and CR staff confirm the physical location of the asset before approving the property transfer in Workday. When an employee termination occurs, the supervisor of the terminated employee accounts for all property that is under the terminated employee’s stewardship, and all property is transferred to another employee within the department. The asset is transferred to Surplus for disposal when it reaches the end of its useful life. Zebra TC52 scanners are located at each campus. However, they are not currently integrated in the Workday property management process.
TSTC procured an asset management platform in 2020. TSTC explored adding RFID technology to the implementation in 2023. After experiencing project delays, customer service issues, and integration difficulties, it became apparent that the current contractor was not able to meet the needs of TSTC. The contract will terminate on October 22, 2023. TSTC is seeking a new partner who has greater experience and expertise in RFID technology.