CNS Agreement for the use of the SOHO router and the Mango GL-MT300N-V2 Mini Smart Router
Purpose: Management of SOHO and Mango GL-MT300N-V2 Mini Smart Router on the TSTC network.
Audience: CNS instructors and OIT
Use Case: Recruitment tools for CNS
All SOHO and Mango GL-MT300N-V2 Mini Smart Router will ONLY be utilized on the TSTC GUEST network. These devices should NEVER Connect to the TSTC Secured networks.
These devices can be hardwired into the TSTC network only once the port is placed on the Guest Network.
These devices should be secured when connected to a network with a password that is not the default password for the devices.
If the routers are tethered to a mobile device, the mobile device must be utilizing the TSTC Guest network or cellular data.
CNS: Computer Networking Systems department
Default password: Password that is set by the manufacturer of the equipment.
Mango GL-MT300N-V2 Mini Smart Router: Device used to create and connect a small network that is isolated from an existing network by allowing a network connection to pass through the Mango GL-MT300N-V2 Mini Smart Router via tethering, ethernet cable, USB modem, or repeating a network connection.
OIT: Office of Information Technology
SOHO: Small office/ home office router: Device used to create a small network.
Tethering: the linking of a computer or other device to a smartphone in order to connect to the internet.
TSTC GUEST network: Network that is not connected to any sensitive information systems or infrastructure.
TSTC Secured network: network that is connected to sensitive information systems or infrastructure that requires credentials to utilize.