Colleague APPW (approval) Password Setup

When users call regarding issues such as: "I can log into colleague, but when attempting to approve a requisition, my password is not working or I'm getting an incorrect password on the APRN screen". This is because the end-user needs to setup the  APPW password.

To setup the APRN password for approvals, the end user needs to do the following.

1. Log into Colleague, on the search field, enter APPW

2. Enter colleague username, then create a password.

3. Once that the password has been set up, the end-user will be able to access the approval screen APRV.

NOTE: The password cannot be the same as the one that is use to log into colleague.

The steps are only needed to be completed one time when setting up the approver credentials

For more details click HERE. (PDF mentions UI4.5. These steps are the same for UI5)


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Mon 4/1/19 11:10 AM
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