Alternative sign on methods using RSA

With the implementation of RSA for our authentication method, we are now able to sign into our TSTC OneID Accounts using a variety of methods. This article will go over the new options available to us, which do not require entering a password to authenticate.  For information on registering and using a secure key to sign into your OneID account please refer to this guide  Registering a SecureKey for RSA

OTP(One Time Password) Sign In

When logging into the RSA OneID sign in screen, you should notice an option at the bottom of the login box that says “Show More”, this will actually be how you can view all authentication methods.

For this first example, we are covering the OTP method, for this you will need to use your OneID Username to sign in, and then you will enter a OneTime Code using the RSA APP.  Note the first two methods listed in this guide require enrolling in the RSA authenticator using your smartphone. 

Once you select “OTP” you will notice a change in the sign in page displayed. 


At This point, you will no longer see the “password box” but instead an option that says “One Time Password”. At this point, all you will need to do is open the RSA App on your phone, and use the code listed for TSTC as your password on this page and hit submit. 


The process will look like this:



Once you have authenticated you will be loaded into the application dashboard. 

QR Code Sign in 

The next option we will go over is the QR code sign in, this sign in does away with your username and password all together, but as mentioned does require you already having the RSA app installed and connected as an authenticator on your account. 

This time when viewing the sign on screen, go ahead and select the QR code.  Once you initiate this option you will then see a screen with a QR code that can be scanned directly from your phone's camera, or you can open the RSA app and select “QR” at the bottom to open the QR scan feature within the app. 

Once you scan the image, you will see an option to approve or reject the sign in attempt 


After you select “Approve” you may be prompted to enter a passcode on your phone


After you complete this step the sign in should resolve and you should be taken into you application dashboard. 



If you receive a prompt to approve a sign-in you did not authorize or if your phone with the RSA app is lost or stolen, please contact the TSTC Help Desk immediately. Be sure to reject any unauthorized sign-in attempts, and the Help Desk can deactivate the authenticator associated with your missing device.