Obtaining Browser History

To obtain browser history, you need to go to the user's machine that you need to retrieve that data from.

To get the Chrome history file:

  1. Go to - C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  2. Find the history file
  3. Then you will need to change the file name to history.sqlite

To get the FireFox history file:

  1. Go to - C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\sjs8dkyp.default-release/
  2. Grab the places.sqlite file

Once you have the files you will need to have SQLiteStudio installed on a machine in order to view the files that you've just downloaded.
To acquire SQLiteStudi, go here: https://sqlitestudio.pl/ 

Install the SQLiteStudio program on the machine that you wish to look at these files on. 
Once installed, double click on the files and they should open in SQLiteStudio

In SQLiteStudio you will navigate in the "databases" pane: 

  1. Expand Places
  2. Expand moz_places
  3. Expand columns
  4. Double click on "URL"
  5. Click okay in the pop up box
  6. Click on the data tab at the top of the SQLiteStudio program
  7. Click on "Commit modifications and browse data".
  8. Click okay in the next pop up box
  9. Click on the Data Tab at the top again

In SQLiteStudio you will navigate in the "databases" pane: 

  1. Expand history
  2. Expand urls
  3. Expand columns
  4. Double click on "URL"
  5. Click okay in the pop up box
  6. Click on the data tab at the top of the SQLiteStudio program
  7. Click on "Commit modifications and browse data".
  8. Click okay in the next pop up box
  9. Click on the Data Tab at the top again

****NOTE**** TIMESTAMPS ARE IN AN UNREADABLE FORMAT**** (despite trying to find a working formula to fix this to no avail) 
Each line in the database shows a unique URL that was visited.
The Visit_Count column shows the number of times that specific site was visited.
The Typed_Count column shows that the URL was actually typed into the browser and wasn't found via a search engine.

To filter the data, you can use the "Filter Data" box at the top of the screen and click the filter button next to it. It will show you all the lines that have the keywords that have been searched.