Logging in and out

Before Signing in to Webex Contact Center, Make sure your desk phone or Jabber app (softphone) is signed-in and working. You will also need to know your 5 digit extension. If you are not sure what your 5 digit extension is you can find it on your desk phone usually next to your name on line 1. On Jabber (desktop) you can click on your initials in the upper left hand corner and select My Profile and your extension will show in the pop up box. You do not have to use your extension. If you are at a temporary location such as a welcome desk, You can use the extension of the desk phone at that location if available.

Using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your browser go to https://desktop.wxcc-us1.cisco.com/

  1. Enter your email address in the username@tstc.edu format.
  2. Log in using your user name and password as you do for the Portal.
  3. Make sure you have Dial Number selected and enter your assigned extension number (same as your Webex phone) and select the team you will be working with.
  4. After setting your extension number, you will be presented the Agent desktop and your status will be set to Agent Logon.
  5. To begin to receive calls, change your status to Available
  6. When your shift is over click on your initials in the upper right hand corner and select Sign Out
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Article ID: 147674
Tue 11/8/22 2:54 PM
Fri 1/5/24 4:48 PM