Changing Address/Phone Numbers

Go to the TSTC Portal and login with your TSTC One ID.


Once you have logged into your TSTC portal, scroll down to the bottom of the page. On the right hand side of the screen click on the “Web Advisor for students” drop down tab, and from there go to the “User Account” tab.


This will pull up another drop down menu from which you will click the "Address Change" option.


From here you can update your address, your phone number, and your email.

TSTC PIN is required. You can enter up to 7 characters.

**Note**  If you are changing your address in Student Planning this will not update in our system. You must be in Webadvisor for Students for it to actually change anything.


Article ID: 108418
Sat 5/23/20 11:47 AM
Fri 6/23/23 3:00 PM